Privacy Policy & Cookies

Privacy Policy

We consider consumer privacy to be of great importance. This statement explains how we handle personal data.

What data do we collect and what do we do with it?

Information collected through your use of our site:

We strive to make your use of our site as pleasant as possible. To enable us to provide you with an optimal site and service, we therefore collect the following information: your browser type (such as Chrome or Internet Explorer), operating system (such as Macintosh or Windows), IP address and Internet domain (such as for example Planet Internet and XS4ALL).

Information collected when registering on our site:

When registering, you will be asked to enter your name and email address. We use "cookies" to store certain information each time you visit our site. This way we remember your data for you so that you do not have to enter it again and again. Most browsers offer the option to block the receipt of cookies if you wish - normally you can set this on your own computer. However, you can then no longer use all the possibilities of our website

Information collected when placing an ad:

When placing an advertisement, you are requested to provide personal data (such as name, e-mail address and telephone number). You are not obliged to provide all information, for example you can choose not to provide your telephone number, but only your e-mail address. We use "cookies" to store certain information each time you visit our site. For example, we remember your personal data for you when placing an advertisement so that you do not have to enter it again and again.

Providing data

Information about our users is not sold, rented, traded or disclosed otherwise than as described in this statement. We may be required by applicable laws and regulations to provide certain information, for example to the police in the context of a criminal investigation or to a third party if the content of an advertisement placed by you is unlawful towards that third party. In these cases, we will only provide data if it is clear that it is obliged to do so.

Marketing purposes

You agree that we may use the information we collect to notify you of any innovations to us or customer surveys. We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties for their marketing purposes without your express consent.


We are committed to the security of our users' data and apply security measures to protect against loss, misuse or alteration of the data under our control. We also use security systems to protect our customer base and access to this file within this website is subject to restrictions.

What choices do you have for deletion, blocking and data transfer?

A user can have his data removed from or blocked on this website (including the newsletter) at any time to prevent the use of this data. You can request the data and have it transferred to another party if technically possible. You can contact us here at any time. Requests for deletion, blocking or data transfer will be processed as soon as possible after receipt of the request.

Retention period

We process the collected data for as long as this is necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected.


Cookies are used on this website. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your PC. This file keeps track of pages you have visited and contains some information about your visit. When we transfer or receive information from you on or through our website, this website uses encryption technologies that are recognized as accepted standards within the IT industry.

Google Analytics cookies

This website uses Google Analytics to anonymously collect traffic data from visitors. This measurement takes place on the basis of cookies and is used to improve the service.

More information about the data that Google Analytics keeps about you can be found in the Google Analytics Privacy Center. You can also get the full Google Privacy find. There you will find all the data that Google collects about you.

In order to give website visitors more influence, Google has a Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on developed. This add-on prevents data about your visit from being sent to Google Analytics. The Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on does not prevent information from being sent to other web analytics software.

Remarketing cookies

this website reserves the right to use remarketing (also called retargeting). This means that your browser places a cookie when you visit or one of the sub pages. This cookie ensures that you are shown advertisements about this website on external sites. If you do not appreciate this, you can unsubscribe from these advertisements. You can do this on the website of the Network Advertising Initiative.
On the Network Advertising Initiative website, you can opt out by clicking “select all”. You can then click “submit” to unsubscribe from all major ad companies that offer remarketing/retargeting.

Cookies to share the content of our website via social media

You can share the articles and videos that you view on our website via social media by means of buttons. Cookies from the social media parties are used for the functioning of these buttons, so that they recognize you when you want to share an article or video.

These cookies therefore make it possible that:

  • - Logged in users of selected social media can share certain content of our website directly

For the cookies that the social media parties place and the possible data they collect with them, we refer to the statements that these parties provide on their own websites; see the links below. Please note that these statements may change regularly. this website has no influence on that.

Cookies to show advertisements

Our website shows you advertisements. These advertisements are a necessary source of income for us, with which we finance our website.

Some advertisements (or video messages) use cookies. These advertisements are placed by us on our website.

The cookies make it possible that:

    • - You can keep track of which advertisements you have already seen to prevent you from seeing the same ones over and over again
    • - It can be tracked how many visitors click on the advertisement for the purpose of settlement with the advertiser
    • - It is possible to keep track of how many orders are placed via the advertisement for the purpose of settlement with the advertiser

If such cookies are not used, you will still see advertisements. After all, advertisements are also shown that do not use cookies. These advertisements may, for example, be adapted to the content of the website. You can compare this type of content-dependent internet advertising with advertising on television. For example, if you're watching a TV show about cooking, you'll often see an ad about cooking products in its commercial breaks.

For the cookies that our third parties place for advertising purposes, we refer to the statements that these parties provide on their own websites; see names and links below. Please note that these statements may change regularly. We have no influence on that.

Cookies for behavioral content of a web page

Our goal is to provide visitors to our website with information that is as relevant as possible to them. That is why we try to adapt our site as much as possible to every visitor. We do this not only through the content of our website, but also through the advertisements that are shown.

In order to be able to make these adjustments, we try to get a picture of your presumed interests on the basis of our websites that you visit on the internet, without building a profile that can be traced back to a person. Based on these interests, we then adapt the content and advertisements on our website for different groups of customers. For example, you can be included in a certain category based on your surfing behavior, such as 'men in the age category 30 to 45 years, married and children with an interest in football'. This group is then of course shown different advertisements than the segment 'female, age group 20 to 30 years, unmarried and interested in travel'.

Third parties that place cookies via our website can also try to find your interests in this way. In that case, the information about your current website visit can be combined with information from previous visits to websites other than ours.

If such cookies are not used, this does not mean that you will no longer see advertisements on our site. In that case, the advertisements are no longer tailored to your interests.

These cookies make it possible that:

    1. - The websites register your visit to make an estimate of your interests
    2. - It can be checked whether you have clicked on an ad
    3. - Information about your surfing behavior is passed on to other websites
    4. - Third party services are used to show you advertisements
    5. - More interesting advertisements are shown based on your social media use


For the cookies that our third parties place, we refer to the statements that these parties provide on their own websites; see the links below. Please note that these statements may change regularly. this website has no influence on that.

  • Adform
  • Google

    Cookies from Statistical & Website Optimization Partners

    • - This website has a partnership with this party to gain insights into visitor behavior on the website.
    • - This website has a partnership with these parties & to test improvements to the website.


    Disable Cookies

    If you do not want websites to place cookies on your computer at all, you can adjust your browser settings so that you receive a warning before cookies are placed. You can also adjust the settings in such a way that your browser refuses all cookies or only the cookies from third parties. You can also delete your cookies that have already been placed. Please note that you have to adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer you use.

    Please be aware that if you do not want cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our website will work properly. It is possible that some functions of the site are lost or even that you can no longer see certain websites at all. In addition, refusing cookies or enabling 'do not track' does not mean that you will no longer see advertisements. The ads are then no longer tailored to your interests and are repeated more often.

    How you can adjust your settings differs per browser. Consult the help function of your browser if necessary, or click on one of the icons below to go directly to the manual of your browser.

    Chrome     Firefox     Internet Explorer    
    Opera     Safari
    If you want to disable cookies from specific parties, you can do so via

  • Amendment of this Privacy Statement

    Marktnet reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Statement. We recommend that you consult this Privacy Statement regularly so that you are always aware of the content of the applicable Privacy Statement.

    For all your questions about our privacy policy, you can contact us here.